5249. [파이썬 S/W 문제해결 구현] 7일차 - 최소 신장 트리
# INF_WEIGHT = 100
# def prim(V, graph, visited, min_path, pi):
# for _ in range(V):
# v = None
# tempmin = INF_WEIGHT
# for i in range(V):
# if not visited[i] and tempmin > min_path[i]:
# tempmin = min_path[i]
# v = i
# visited[v] = 1
# for i in range(V):
# if not visited[i] and graph[v][i] < min_path[i]:
# min_path[i] = graph[v][i]
# pi[i] = v
def find_root(disjoint_set, idx):
while idx != disjoint_set[idx]['root']:
idx = disjoint_set[idx]['root']
return idx
def union(disjoint_set, idx1, idx2):
root1 = find_root(disjoint_set, idx1)
root2 = find_root(disjoint_set, idx2)
if disjoint_set[root1]['rank'] < disjoint_set[root2]['rank']:
disjoint_set[root1]['root'] = root2
disjoint_set[root2]['root'] = root1
if disjoint_set[root1]['rank'] == disjoint_set[root2]['rank']:
disjoint_set[root1]['rank'] += 1
def kruskal(V, edges, disjoint_set):
edges.sort(key = lambda x: x[2])
count = 0
idx = 0
min_path = 0
while count < V-1:
i, j, weight = edges[idx]
i_root = find_root(disjoint_set, i)
j_root = find_root(disjoint_set, j)
if i_root != j_root:
union(disjoint_set, i_root, j_root)
min_path += weight
count += 1
idx += 1
return min_path
T = int(input())
answer = []
for tc in range(1, T + 1):
V, E = map(int, input().split())
V += 1
edges = [list(map(int, input().split())) for _ in range(E)]
# prim algorithm
# visited = [0] * V
# graph = [[INF_WEIGHT for _ in range(V)] for _ in range(V)]
# for a in range(E):
# i, j, weight = edges[a]
# graph[i][j] = weight
# graph[j][i] = weight
# min_path = [INF_WEIGHT] * V
# min_path[0] = 0
# pi = [None] * V
# prim(V, graph, visited, min_path, pi)
# result = 0
# for i in range(1, V):
# result += graph[i][pi[i]]
# answer.append(result)
# kruskal algorithm
disjoint_set = [{'root': i, 'rank': 0} for i in range(V)]
result = kruskal(V, edges, disjoint_set)
for tc in range(1, T+1):
print(f'#{tc} {answer[tc-1]}')